Notarized, Certified Translation of FBI Identity History Summary and Sworn Translation

Since 2007, we have have provided certified translations and sworn translations of the following documents: FBI Identity History Summary IdHS, FBI Criminal History Report, Fingerprint Submission, FD-258, FBI Rap Sheets, and so on. If you are traveling to Spain (or other countries) and need to translate your FBI Background Check to Spanish, we can do so in a few hours and have it delivered the next morning. Our certified translators are able to complete most projects in 24 hours or less, and we can FedEx the documents when needed. We have both US based certified translators and sworn translators located in Spain and certified by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If you need translation for Spain, we have you covered.

Please click here if you are ready to get started. You will be asked for your mailing address, and we will confirm receipt of payment. Additionally, you will need to scan or take a picture of the FBI Identity History Summary and email it to us: or upload a copy after checkout. We will confirm receipt of the document and have it ready and shipping in a matter of hours. Once it is ready, we will send a certified scanned version by email and then either mail or FedEx the notarized, certificated hard-copies.

Need to order an FBI Background Check Apostille? We can order an apostille for your FBI Identity History Summary for $95 to $195 depending on the speed of service, plus shipping. Federal apostilles can take a few weeks, and we update turnaround times often.

FBI Background Check Apostille and Certified Translation or Sworn Translation (with no criminal history)

Click Here to Order US Certified Translation

Click Here to Order Sworn Translation

Click Here to order a Federal Apostille for your FBI Background Check

Our process is simple, efficient and fully guaranteed.

1) You do not need to come to us. Just take a picture and email or text your document to us, fax it to us, or scan and email it to us.


(877) 374-0095 (office), (865) 300-3662 (cell, text), (877) 470-1177 (fax)

2) Click to pay for a Spanish Translation of your FBI Background Check.

3) We will confirm that we have received your payment and confirm the mailing address (provided to us when you pay).

4) We will translate and return your translation in two forms: 1) A stamped, signed, certified electronic copy (PDF) delivered by email within two to twelve hours.  2) Hard-copies (original copies) of your certified translation shipped to your home/office via FedEx Priority Overnight or Regular Mail.

5) Your completed translation package (mailed via FedEx Priority Overnight or Regular Mail) includes: One copy of the translated document (certified, stamped with our certified translator seal, and signed); One copy of your original document (certified, stamped, signed); One copy of our certification letter (Translator’s Affidavit), which is valid nationwide and abroad in some cases; An invoice marked as paid, which will serve as your receipt.

6)  All of our translations are fully guaranteed.

Frequently Asked Questions about FBI Background Checks (FAQs)

Do I need an apostille from the Federal Government? Yes, in most cases. If traveling to Spain and most other countries, the apostille is needed.

How do I get an apostille for my FBI Background Check? We have a page that explains the process. Click here to learn more.

What if my report has additional pages from a charge that was dismissed? What if crimes or minor offenses are listed on the report? In these cases, we can provide the translation just as quickly, but we will need to provide a quote in advance. The rate for these documents depends on the total word-count. The rate of $69 for US based certified translation or $99 for sworn translation applies only to reports without additional pages.

Can Southeast Spanish (or another translation agency) get an apostille for me? Yes, you can order an FBI Background Check Apostille now on our website for only $149. State-level apostilles are $149 as well.

Do I need to translate my FBI background check when applying for a Spanish visa at the consulate? Yes, that is our most common request; however, the consulate of Spain in Los Angeles only allows translators certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Spain (Spanish Citizens) to translate for that particular location. We have several sworn translators on staff. Aside from LA and SF, we are able to translate for the consulates in Miami (Coral Gables), Chicago, Boston and Houston. Additionally, we have translated many times for the Spanish Embassy in Washington, DC.

Where can I translate an FBI Identity History Summary in order to apply for a Schengen visa or for a visa for Spain? Here — that is what we do every day. The process ranges greatly due to various requirements; nonetheless, we are qualified and certified to do so.

Can my paperwork be translated for application for Spanish Nationality for Sephardic Jews? Yes, according to the new Sephardic Law in Spain (2015), we, or any translation agency, are able to translate documentation proving Sephardi origin along with all other required forms and paperwork.

Does my criminal history record from the FBI need to be translated by a sworn translator with citizenship in Spain? Only if applying at the Spanish consulate in Los Angeles. Other consulates do not require translators to be certified by the government of Spain, in which case a professional translator here in the states can translate your documents.

Does the federal apostille (pursuant to the convention de la Haye du 5 octubre 1961) need to be translated into Spanish? In most cases, yes. This document, verified by an assistant authentication officer from the United States Department of State, typically Chris Ormerod, provides evidence that your original background check has been duly authenticated by a secondary government agency and is authentic. We translate this document with the IdHS most of the time, although Spanish visas have been issued without translation of the apostille.

What is FBI Electronic Departmental Order (EDO)? This is just another name for the FBI background check, which is also known as the IdHS, or the Identity History Summary. Basically, the FBI background check, electronic departmental order and Identity history summary are all the same.

Call any one of our branch offices or email us anytime.

If you are ready get started, click here to pay and upload your files.

(877) 374-0095 (office)

*** MARCH 2025 Availability ***
Calls: 8AM-2PM ET MON-FRI. Email Only: 2PM-8PM.