How much is marriage certificate translation?

How much is marriage certificate translation for immigration?

Marriage certificate translation is always $54, even for certified translation of documents with two pages. Marriage certificates from Venezuela that have over six-hundred words are still $54. Official translation for USCIS is included in the standard cost to translate marriage certificates for citizenship, naturalization or immigration purposes. Some translation companies claim that marriage certificate translation is only $25, but then they actually charge much more if the document has over 200 words, which is the case for most marriage certificates. Additionally, most translation companies charge extra for the shipping of hard copies and certification. Our rate of $54 includes certified, stamped, sealed copies for USCIS, hard-copies delivered by mail, and a complete, guaranteed USCIS certification, even for the in-person interview. Notarization by a third party is an extra $9; however, notarized translation is no longer required for USCIS. Notarized translation is required for passports or the DMV. In sum, how much is marriage certificate translation for USCIS? It is always $54.

$54: one (1) certificate translation

How much does it cost for notarized marriage license translation?

If you need a notarized translation by a third party notary (not for USCIS), it is $63. The charge of $54 is standard for regular certificates and does not include apostilles, notary certification pages and other documents not needed for standard translations and certifications. The rate is the same for documents translated from Spanish to English, French to English, Portuguese to English, Italian to English or documents going out of the country that need to be translated from English to Spanish. Notarization is typically required when sending documents abroad but not when using for citizenship, immigration, residency, or other immigrant visa applications or requests.

Our standard certificate is valid for USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services), Naturalization, Visa Applications and Extension, and US Passport Applications. It is also valid for all federal, state and local courts. We can translation for the DMV as well, but those often require additional forms.

How long does it take to translate a marriage certificate for USCIS?

Most USCIS translations are completed in 8 to 24 hours or less. We work late and early hours. If the document is received and payment is made late in the evening, we can complete most marriage certificate translations by 9AM the following morning, even on weekends. Same day service is possible if the document is received early in the morning.

What are the most common documents translated?

We can translate vital records and marriage licenses from all countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, South America, and Europe. We translate from Spanish to English, English to Spanish. Also from French to English, Portuguese to English and Italian to English. Marriage certificates from Mexico, and Panama are always one-page in length; however, marriage certificates from Colombia, Venezuela and Spain are often two-pages long. Some countries issue hand-written extracts of marriage or copies from the civil registry books. These, like two-page certificates, are still $54; nonetheless, we will always send a draft version to ensure that all names and dates are accurate. Hand-written extracts are common in Argentina, Peru and the Dominican Republic.

Visit our rates page, read more about certificate translation, or checkout now if you are ready to get start your official translation. If you want to know how much does it cost to translate a Marriage Certificate for USCIS, then you have come to the right place as our rates are always transparent. We do not have a maximum number of words. Marriage Certificates always cost $54, unless you need it notarized by a third party notary for a US Passport.

How do I order a translation certified for USCIS use?

Not all translations can be submitted to the federal government (USCIS, formerly INS) for immigration purposes. The government suggests that requested documents in a language other than English must have a complete and accurate translation into English. The translation must include a certification or sworn affidavit attesting that the translation is accurate and complete and it must also state the translator’s competence and credentials as a professional translator. What this means is that the translation must include a certification letter, on letterhead from an official translator, that is, a registered translation agency, and this letter must include specific wording in order to be accepted. More information can be found in the following page from the Government Publishing Office. We at Southeast Spanish have submitted literally thousands of official translations for customers, including H-1B requests, I-130 applications, and all other types of visa petitions and processing, and they are always accepted; we guarantee it.

What are the requirement for marriage license translations to be accepted by the National Visa Center?

Translation requirements for the NVC (National Visa Center) are very similar to that of USCIS; however, all documents need to be submitted or uploaded electronically. The translation must be completed and returned in a file less than 2MB. Also, all pages must be centered and upright. Scans that are too large or include pages in horizontal format will not be accepted. We follow the NVC online and on social media and make sure our translations are completed pursuant to their regulations.

How much does it cost to translate for USCIS when my document has two pages?

How much is marriage certificate translation when the document has two pages? It is still $54. All marriage certificates are $54, even two and three page certificates issued by the Civil Registry offices in Spain or the two pages hand-written certificates from Venezuela. Marriage certificates from Guatemala and Honduras can often have two pages, and they still cost $54. Some vital records have civil registry stamps or certifications from the ministry of foreign affairs on the back; the cost is still $54.

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