Diploma Translation, High School or College

(1 customer review)


$59 for One Certified Translation of a High School or College Diploma, Spanish to English, French to English or Portuguese to English.

This rate is NOT for transcripts or documents with grades; only a diploma.


Diploma Translation from Spanish to English (Also from French, Portuguese)

  • $59 for One Certified Translation of a High School or College Diploma
  • This rate is NOT for transcripts or documents with grades; only a diploma
  • Translated to English from Spanish, Portuguese, French or Italian
  • Includes Standard Certification Process for USCIS (Immigration and Naturalization Service)
  • Optional Hard copies delivered by mail; certified electronic copies by email (24 hours or less)


SES Inc.

Documents translated by Southeast Spanish Inc. or SES, Inc.

1 review for Diploma Translation, High School or College

  1. Alex R., Columbus, Ohio

    OSU graduate school requested that I translate my high school and college transcripts and diplomas from Colombia and Venezuela from Spanish to English and then have them evaluated by WES (World Education Services). Southeast Spanish translated my title and grades in less than one day, they shipped them to my apartment in Columbus, Ohio, and I was able to upload the scanned version to WES. Great service, even better translation!

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*** MARCH 2025 Availability ***
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